Wild Tech
Senior iPad Program
WildTech is the lead agency for the District of Columbia’s Senior iPad program. This program is designed to reduce seniors’ isolation and increase connections with family, friends, and the community – all through technology access, training, and support. We do this by providing Apple iPad tablet computers, 5G wireless internet, custom configured applications, and accessibility settings. Since 2021, WildTech has provided iPads to more than 1,500 D.C. seniors. In addition to providing access to devices, we provide in-depth training designed for seniors as well as weekly programming. Our weekly programs include 12 virtual Zoom information sessions from senior service providers, allowing seniors to sign-up and access essential services without ever leaving their homes.
If your organization or government agency would like to reduce the isolation of seniors while connecting them to friends, family, and the community, we want to help you! Please email info@wildtech.org to get in touch.
Wild Tech
Access to Technology
WildTech is the Washington DC Region’s leading computer refurbishing organization, receiving thousands of donated computers from generous corporations and government agencies, refurbishing them, and providing them to needy individuals, non-profits and schools. In most cases, it is the only way these recipients can possibly get a free or super-low-cost computer. WildTech is one of the founders of the the non-profit computer refurbishing industry (see our history), providing tens of thousands of refurbished to need individuals and organizations across the United States and in Africa. In 2020 alone we provided over 1500 computers to people in need.
- See our technology access strategy Paper by clicking HERE
- Have computers to donate? Email info@wildtech.org with the specifications and quantity of equipment you can provide. In most cases, we can provide free pickup of donated equipment in the mid-Atlantic region.
Wild Tech
Computer Training
WildTech is a leading computer training provider for low-income people, delivered both by us and by our training partners. These trainings include:
- Introduction to computers
- IT Fundaments
- Cisco IT Essentials (including CISCO ITE certification and/or A+ certification
- Networking (including Net+ certification)
- Security (including Security + certification
We provide “Introduction to Computers” training for free to recipients of our refurbished computers, delivered from our downtown Washington DC office. We can also provide free refurbished computers with free training in a group-setting at Washington DC area homeless shelters. For more information on our training classes, please email info@wildtech.org
Wild Tech
WildTech has a state-of-the-art computer help desk system for supporting new computer users and disadvantaged populations. We utilize an advanced ticketing system (JIRA), information sharing portal (Confluence) and IP phone system (Nextiva).
This empowers us to provide help desk services from volunteer and paid staff working from anywhere. It also empowers us to take on new clients requiring help desk services and to rapidly scale-up to serve them. We currently provide help desk services for the clients who receive our refurbished computers and for the District of Columbia government.
We cannot provide help desk services for individuals on a one-off basis falling outside those two groups. But if you are an organization needing help-desk services for your clients, we can probably help you – including incredibly low prices due to our non-profit and volunteer efficiencies. For more information please email info@wildtech.org
Deep Field International Technology Service Trip
WildTech was founded in 1995 based on the principle that combining outdoor adventure leadership (the “Wild” in WildTech) with project-based learning in technology (the “Tech” in WildTech) is a powerful combination, transforming the lives of both the service providers and recipients (see our history). Executive Director Lou August and WildTech Board Member Damilola Kehinde have years of experience designing and leading technology programs in remote, impoverished areas of Africa, Asia, and South America.
During the fall of 2023, Dami and Lou will be leading a 15-day technology service learning program in the most iconic area in Africa - Near the base of 19,438 foot Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and at the epicenter of Africa’s greatest wildlife preserves. We are now targeting six IT leaders to attend, along with two disadvantaged IT students from the Washington D.C. area.
This is not the Africa tourists typically see, it is a deep-field experience, living and working closely with teachers, students, and tribal leaders in the traditional lifestyle of the Maasai and Meru tribes. The program begins by understanding the lifestyle and challenges of the people we serve by actually living their lives - picking bananas and coffee, plowing a field, planting corn, and cooking on an open fire. It ends by building two computer labs in two rural high schools from 40 laptop computers we bring with us, training teachers in technology skills, and even hosting a Cisco Networking Academy for 15 teachers from five vocational schools.
But it is not all work. Participants have private rooms with fun activites each evening. We will also go on a team safari at 15,000 foot Mount Meru and visit a spectacular tropical waterfall. There is even an optional second safari at Ngorongoro crater with the largest concentration of wild African mammals in the world.
If you are interested in attending, please get in touch. We will help you fundraise for your trip costs, ideally enabling you to attend this life-changing experience at no cost to you at all. Since all team members are volunteers paying their own travel and accomodations costs, you can support them by donating at this GoFundMe site: https://gofund.me/412e1593. Please contact Executive Director, Lou August, regarding interest in attending and with any questions about the program.